Monday, March 26, 2012


Something I've realized in the last hour that we've been here at this bowling alley. I don't think I like bowling. In fact, everything about this visit has been a bit... weird. Bowling Allies are weird! They also smell dirty. There, I said it. Whew. Oh...but she shoes are workable.
These balls are super heavy and they are also really slimey...not sure what they coated them with, but they are hard to handle...and dirty! Even Morty is not really sure what we are doing here...and why they hell would they ruin a perfectly good ball by drilling holes in it?!
Yea....nice sashay, but I'm not sure it's going to help you hit any of the pins.

The best part of bowling? The ice cream we all got when the "game" was over and we got to fly the bowling alley coop! I do love me some ice cream!

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