Thursday, December 29, 2011

Milky Machine

Boy did mom screw up. Apparently she is selling all the old baby stuff that has been sitting in the basement for over a year, and she made the HUGE mistake of telling Morty that this piece of plastic made milk...poor Morty....he's so confused.
He's been walking around the house trying to get milk out of this thing all day long. What he doesn't seem to realize is that you have to hook it up to the magic pump machine before it stats to magically create milk! It just doesn't spray milk all the time you know.

1 comment:

writingsoccermom said...

OMG.... that is sooo funny! How our kids keep us young! My youngest is now 11, and she's telling me to grow up and not embaress her! I guess I regressed! Have a great New Year's Eve!