Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Big Chicken on Campus

Remember how I told you that Dr. Smooth fell down the stairs (twice) and hurt his chin? Well, he apparently thinks it's some badge of honor, or that it shows his courage in some very strange way. What the hell? If I went out and slammed my head into the wall would that be something to be complimented? Anyway, ever since he hurt himself, now he thinks he's just cock of the walk.
Not only does he keep pointing out his wound to everyone, but in the car, now he refuses to even talk to me unless we talk about his owie! Seriously, he even made my buy band-aids that matched his jacket and glasses! I don't even want to get into those glasses right now, but they are pretty appalling....


Louise said...

Don't worry about the camo and glasses. Rambo never wore neon pink shoes.

Louise said...

Don't worry about the camo and glasses. Rambo never wore neon pink shoes.