Saturday, October 23, 2010

To quote daddies favorite American icon...

"Donuts, is there anything they can't do?!" - Homer Simpson

Friday, October 22, 2010

New park

Today mom decided to try out this new park the other moms at my school had been raving about.

It was kinda cool and kinda lame but trying new things is good, right?

Morty even tried something new and slid down the slide on his little belly all by himself.

Today we learned two things:

1.) wood chips don't make for good park flooring (especially in a shady park)

2.) sliding down a slide on your belly makes for a dirty belly!

On to the next park!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Annabelle's BIrthday Extravaganza!

Annabelle S. Is one of my favorite friends at school and this weekend she finally turned into a Big Girl and became 3 years old!! Just like me. She had a really cool birthday with all the kids from our class at a place called "My Gym". Mt favorite part was when all 20 of us laid on this flat mat,  it started filling up with air and became a HUGE bouncy pillow... its was soooo cool!

Then we had Pizza and Cake for dinner!! and when I say " We" in dont mean just mean and my friends, I mean that Mom scarfed down at least two pieces of cake and started eyeing mine. I immediately told her "No way Jose, Thats my frosting!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Daddy Time

While Mommy and I were off at a Birthday Party (see tomorrow's post) Daddy and Morty got to spend some quality time together. The funny thing about Daddy and Morty hanging out together is that they both enjoy being passive... which means Daddy lets Morty "explore" and "develop his own sense of self". Ha!
 Daddy teaches Morty how to lay his head down on the food tray so he can see how many pieces of pasta will stick to his face each time. NIce!
  Morty spots Tucker and is determined to wait for him to come out & play. Daddy encourages Morty to hang out and spy (read: harrass) on Tucker.

Alls well that ends well, right?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Mom and I have found a new fabulous "Johnny Rockets". Some of my favorite reasons for coming here are:

1.) Its just Mom & I... no Morty
2.) They have bar stools that spin 365 degrees (none of that safety 180 almost spin)
3.) The guy who works the bar area smiles at me and I smile back : )

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tis the season

Changes are happening all around us and I love it. I can't stop talking about the red and purple trees, the orange bushes... It's all very cool.

This weekend mom took morty and I on a walk to check all the changes up close and also sit (or stand in mortys case) and have some "TutiMelon"
aka Chill outside in the 75 degree weather to look at all the colors.

Look at our finds! These are the few morty didn't try to gobble up!

My Magical Kingdom

Today I woke up and felt super generous, so I allowed Morty to come into my room and hang out in my cool room, under my cool tent on my cushy "pink muffin" pillow that Aunt Marfa gave me.

Obviously Morty was in heaven. He loves to flop on it over and over again nad play peek-a-boo through the windows.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Getting BIG!

Morty is really getting to be a big dude now. Thats cool and all but now he wants MY toys and to be honest, I dont really see what I should have to share. So instead I do what mom calls " Hoarding. It might not be what I "Should" do but I dont care because I am not oblivious to what goes on when im not here ... 

 They go out to eat without me, laughing it up... trying to new food joints around town!

... and the REAL KICKER, he plays on my favorite digger when I am gone. 
Sneaky, sneaky.... just you wait Morty!