Thursday, November 11, 2010

 Today was Gigi's and my turn to have our mommys come and cook with the class! (Can I get a woo hoo!)

 Gigi's mom was the brains behind the operation and she made the uber yummy call to make pizzas! Im guessing you can tell which one is mine....

 While we waited for the pizzas to cook, playtime commenced (under my supervision & rules of course) Today we all decided that ski goggles were the new fab Fall Find. Dont they look awesome!?

 My man Austin even stepped it up with a little something extra - Dude has some great style! Now we are off to eat out pizza and hope all the other mommys dont freak out that all their children have pizza sauce stain on their clothes : /

1 comment:

Martha said...

Ahahhahahaa, those goggles! Aweshome. And Austin is way, way cool -- he knows style when he sees it. And wears tutus, as well? Mal better not let that one get away.