Monday, January 13, 2025

Just a quick update! - 4 years in one post. You're welcome!


 A whole heck of a lot has changed since I last posted. 

I just wanted to quickly add some photos here to do a visual catch up and tell you all hello... 


It's official, my little brother, Mortapuss-Tahno-Mort, is going to be in my school carpool. 


The year I have been waiting for my whole life - I get my drivers license and freedom!!!! (Morty gets braces) 


I graduated Middle School, Bye MP&MS! hello High school. Morty is still a middle school dweeb but my parents still like him anyhow. 

Pre Winter Formal Target Run


This is the year we switched summer camps and I met me all time favorite person


Everyone knows what a sad, strange and intense year 2020 was with Covid taking over, but heres a moment of joy we found in Idaho. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Friends are the best medicine : )

So it turns out being an amazingly supportive Dad was not all that he was doing while he was taking care of me. He was planning surprise party for Mom's birthday a few days later too! I mean, can you imagine!? So many of Mom's favorite people were all in one place - she said it was almost as good as the Re-Commitment Ceremony she has been proposing to Dad all these years. 

I could tell, she was legitimately SHOCKED! It was awesome. AND Dad had Pizzas, a bar car, 3 cakes to really take it up several notches. It was amazing. The icing on the "Cake" was that he had Mom's favorite Hawaiian musician to serenade everyone !!!!!

Mrs. Frisellie knew about the whole thing!

even BEAN came for the festivities!

It was so nice to see everyone happy and it was extra special to have Mrs Frisellie along for the blood draws and to keep Mom sane. : )


After Spring break, school stuff starts to culminate into all the performances to show all the things we have been learning about and it super fun. 

We learned about Bali

Mort's class was learning about Tanzania

Best of all, I made Student of the week!!
finally - I felt like it was NEVER going to happen. 


Mothers Day 2019

We beached with the doggos and ate all the yummy things. 
Obviously she felt celebrated ---- again!

Muppet loves him SO much.


Safari West was the Field Trip morty had been waiting for his whole life. Overnight class trip WITH animals?! - yes please!!! Sure, no one slept and the giraffe drooled on Joey's head - but that just added to the excitement!
All for ONE night!! (JK, not just mortys stuff)

Now thats the best way to wrap up a school year : )


Happy Birthday Kate! 
We were lucky enough to spend the 
day with Kate for her 12th bday and it was so much fun. 
She makes me laugh like NO other!


Life would be boring if everything was always as expected, right?? Thats what My mom keeps saying through gritted teeth anyway so, we just go with it. MOrty needed some extensive dental surgery and lucky him - he got carried to the dentist chair after being given a Valume for the nerves.

The wake up was a LOT rougher than Mom thought it was supposed to be - but eventually they made it to the car where the little dude immediately fell asleep like a puppy. He's so cute when he sleeps, right?


The last fun days before everyone goes their separate ways for summer is kind of magical. Playdates, picnics, sleep overs - its the best!! Sadie was moving to a new school and Margie even came back in town for some fun too : )

4th grade school pool party (Brain freeze photo - ha!)

6th grade final party at the beach in Sausalito : )


~ Fun outside of school was still going strong too!

Mill Valley Carnival - sooooooo many people and so hot!

Dinner with our favorite Beevor Family

Giants game with Nurse Shannon & MPMS friends

- Birthday party fun with Kate -


And thats a wrap! 4th & 6th grade are in the books. 
Now its time to get my bags ready for camp with Maeve in Minnesota!!
Morty will make it a week later but I head out with mom on the very last day of school 
and Dad does the closing ceremonies with Mo : )

Off to Camp Lake Hubert - I'm coming for you MEEEEEEve!

💥💥💥 Schools out for SUMMER!!!

I now speak Parcel Tongue.

 Getting back home, everything felt like we just had to coast through the rest of the school year  - smooth sailing and all that. Nature had other plans for us, starting with my 5th grade school trip to Yosemite. It was meant to be our first real trip as a class together. The fires had really thrown a wrench in a lot of our other field trip plans so we wee all excited to take the multi-hour bus ride, go backpacking, sleep in the musty cabins & wear in our new hiking boots. My mom even went to STL after I headed out so Dad and MO could have some solo dude time together. 

Best laid plans as they say....

About 24 hours into my Mom's STL visit, she was in Mrs Frisellie's kitchen when she got a call from the Dean of Curriculm, Carter, at MPMS who was on the trip with me. She quickly informed my Mom that I was at a Yosemite Urgent care facility as I had been bitten by a snake while climbing on some rocks with friends. She quickly told my mom that it was probably a small snake - probably not poisonous as the class was at the basin and it was too cold for snakes down there to be moving around very much and there is only one venomous snake in Northern California (Rattle Snake) and it has never been seen in that area. She was told not to worry and that everything was going smoothly. 

I on the other hand did NOT feel this way. I talked to my Mom quickly and of course burst into tears!!! (Obviously) Cartner tried to calm me down and then we had to do some tests so we had to call my mom back later. 

About 20 minutes later my Mom got another call from Carter saying "Can you pack a bag?" 
Thats NOT the words you want to hear when an emergency is going on - Remember, My Mom was in Missouri and my Dad was with Morty in Marin! (7 hours away!)

Turns out that rattlesnakes now live in the basin at Yosemite and my freind Sadie and I can attest to that. 
Did I tell you that Sadie was bitten first, thought it was a bee sting and when I climbed down the rocks to see if she was okay - the snake then bit me too. I saw it!! - It was a tony, Moody Teenager Rattle Snake. 
Sooooooo much happened that day, things that will make me stringer but also things that have made me feel pretty vulnerable. 

Spoiler Alert!! - we both survived!

After having panic attack, being air lifted out of Yosemite together, landing at Madera Childrens Hospital (Best kids hospital ever!) and then spending the next 36 hours getting TWELVE vials of antivenom I can officially tell you that we are lucky to be alive!!

Everyone worked well together. Everyone communicated, rallied for us and the teachers drove all the way to the hospital (no room on the whirly bird) to make sure we were taken care of. 

Dad dropped everything he was doing and hit the road to be by my side (literally slept on the floor by my side) Mom got Morty coverage with the amazing Perskey family and then Stephanie came to scoop him up and stay the night with him. Dad & Patrick (Sadie's Dad) had a Dad's bonding night of worrying and asking all the questions. 

Mom got on the first flight out and drove straight to me and then when we were finally discharged - she drove me back from Fresno and didn't sleep for TWO days through the whole thing. It was pretty great to see that my adults were going to make it to me no matter what. 

WE are STILL known as the snake sisters in Marin. The story spread like wildfire and while it was all very scary - in the end, we are totally fine and we have a pretty great story to tell. 

Best Laid plans .... Ha!

 It seems only right that I go back and time and talk about what happened before we knew this (Spoiler alert) Mega Pandemic was going to take hold of ur lives and seemingly never let it go. 

People have been heckling me, saying that I quit this blog right when everyone needed something to look forward to but I had to put myself first and my fans later. So, I will attempt to catch you up - albeit in a speedy version. 

Here we goooooooo!!!

Morty Helped get the party started with Bob's Drum Show. Little dude its really getting his groove. 

He nailed it!!

February Break: Next up was our winter trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Maggoty & Todd came all the way to hang with us too and we loved every minute of it. We yell "ADVENTURE!" whenever we head out together or when the going gets tough - we say "WE can do hard things!" and its true. FYI - We DO NOT like group lessons anymore and the last day we had solo lessons so that was a HUGE improvement and we got a video to boot!

and who doesn't love a good Snapchat filter ??!!! #FavoriteandBest


Dont forget all the winter sports.  Rain or shine we are out and about 

Silicon Valley Tourney

Local Flag football match up

Lacrosse is just an excuse to eat FroYo. 

Field Hockey clinics to keep the skillszzzz!!

When we arent on the fields Mom makes us do things that she says will help us be a little less ferrel. 
Like Hair cuts!

Ferrel Mallory

AFTER!!!! (Nono would approve I think)


Leah also takes us places where we can work on our posture so we can keep our crowns on with good posture. Huzzah!

We also do school stuff, Like field trips to the Science Museum in Oakland. Morty gets to do all the fu stuff in 4th grade. Just wait until

March makes the bleak winter seem sooooo much better with a quick trip to the Lou and a hug to birthday boy Theo and St. Patty's Day (Anniversary day) celebration with Gamma Jamma. She makes the BEST green food we've ever had. Three cheers for green snake bread, green rice and all the Green Candies too!

March is also the time of finding warm, yummy local restaurants - as Mom is tired of entertaining us in the rain cold by this time of the year. 

Benihana with the Deasons was a HUGE hit. 


Hello Culinary delights part 2 w/ Francis : )

Salt & Straw AND DIM SUM, pretty much the best foodie day ever!!

~ Our everyday To Do list is photo worthy too I suppose. It's not all special occasions but life here isn't all too bad. 

Getting our volunteer hours in! #SoleHope is where its at!

Hiking with Broken Dad & Broken Macho

Getting eye exams to troubleshoot headaches. 

He looks pretty cute with 4 eyes!

Home Ec is also one of Mom's favorite past times. She thinks that we will eventually want to fly the coup and might need skills, but WHY would we leave?!


SPRING BREAK! Whats not to like about having time off, going on new adventures and the best part about this one? We will have friends on vacation near us too! Deasons & Arnolds rock!

Sea Urchin - I want to hold them - Dad wants to eat them 

SNUBA!! Seriously sooo much fun and Mom said it was the quietest activity ever : )

Pool time to burn off all the Lava Flows

Dude Robert took us to swim with the sea creatures. The seasickness
had nothing on the fun level !!

henna is my FAVE!!

All in all Id say it was exactly what the doctor ordered 
- Thanks for organizing it all Dad!


Home in time for my favorite sugary springtime holiday. 
Lets be honest, we are just celebrating the love of Spring time & candy. Its pretty awesome. 

Hiking is a must on Surgarmas. 

Treats from the woodland creatures & from Gamma Jamma too

Then! Dad had to leave town but he left us with a sweet treat in SF Tenderloin. 
NOooooo it wasn't crystal meth - its was tickets to 
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory! (obviously)